Jun 19, 2012

New Ilex EP

Yay! New EP by the excellent Ilex. Really beautiful music, it makes me think of oval shapes and a beach at dawn. If you know what I mean.

Jun 16, 2012


Some day I will read this famous book. Caught up on some classics from my native soil recently. Lotta lotta writers have sprung from that damp rock."Borstal Boy by Brendan Behan is just brillunt, he is my new hero! His honesty and integrity shines, and that way with words. I acquired some new insults too!

I'm currently reading At Swim Two Birds by Flann O'Brien, that comic genius and true poet. Making a fool of myself, roaring laughing in public.

Here's a video from a few years ago. Thanks to Neasa!

Niamh de Barra Bloomsday 16th June 2010 from Neasa de Barra on Vimeo.

Jun 13, 2012

"Below The Sea" EP

Yay! "Below The Sea" has now been released. Grab a download here. Embarrassingly nice blurb too. Scarlet, I am!

Thanks (again and again and again) to Hamish, Mel for the mastering, and Barry for the beautiful artwork.

Filming the video this weekend for the funding project. "Echo" will see the light of day yet!

Jun 7, 2012


Well, the people (well, a third of the people eligible to vote) have spoken. Yes yes YES, it is to growth, stability, confidence, jobs. Looking forward to it, I must say.

The nation was in a festive mood over the weekend, flushed with our pat on the head from Mario Draghi, head of the ECB, who praised our responsibility (no word on a bank debt write-down, obv!). Dublin celebrated a stable, confident, future with some fast cars and fast women.

Moving back to the auld sod this summer. I'm a-feared for the future and my heart is breaking.