Feb 4, 2010

A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet

Scurvy Lass is no more. Unless I find an eye-patch and a parrot, and decorate my bike with a pirate theme. Which I'm not ruling out.

But, for music anyway, Niamh de Barra I am and will be from now on. What I make isn't jokey, so the jokey name was a bit incongruous. I'd found it easier to make stuff if I was behind a semi-pisstake name, giving the impression I wasn't taking myself too seriously. Enough of that!

Feb 3, 2010

The tyranny of choice

January was a bit of a damp squib. Quel surprise. Wrote feck all music, due in part to my desire to "change direction", and also the fact that I got loads of new toys. The desire to change direction and the acquisition of new toys is a chicken and egg scenario, but stems from an innate dissatisfaction with what you're doing (I find). "I wish I was more edgy/dancey/experimental/abstract/fun/etc etc etc."

Found a lovely quote by a chap called Rabbi Zusya that both summed up and eradicated my fretting. "In the world to come, I shall not be asked, 'Why were you not Moses?' I shall be asked, 'Why were you not Zusya?'" Tis a very simple realisation (once you've realised it!), but very hard to see when you're in the middle of it.

It's fierce distracting as well to get a field recorder, new keyboard, and a rake of plug-ins and soft synths. And Reaktor. As well as trying to learn more about Ableton Live, my primary tool, which I've thus far only used on the most simple level.

Well, small steps. I'm glad the collywobbles are gone for the meantime though.