Jun 16, 2011

Demodemodemo de Mode du Monde

As we say On The Continent. So I've been getting my internet on, researching labels all over the world. All over the world, says she!

My cunning plan is to get the album released in as many countries as I can, or even just get talking to people who may be in a position to have us over for an aul gig. An aul gig, says she!

The UK, the Americas, Africa, Yerp, Australasia, Asia, I'm only limited by my reserves of patience. Philips' School Atlas on my lap, and away we go. Virtually speaking....

I've been fascinated by the island of Saint Helena since I read about it. On one side, the wind never blows, and on the other, it never stops. The only way to get there is on a Royal Mail boat, and it takes two weeks to get there (did somebody say "Hen Party"!!??). Maybe I'll leave Saint Helena for the time being, but I'll get there eventually.

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