Aug 17, 2010
Digital Release on
The "Cusp" EP is available now on Pay what you want, or nothing at all. There are a few different formats available too; mp3, FLAC (for better quality without taking up as much room as a wav), and a loada more esoteric freeware formats like the delightfully named Ogg Vorbis, for instance.
Aug 12, 2010
Lying in Bed (choir)

This is a recording from Sunday evening of the choir. Thanks to Amy, Amanda, Regan, Mel, Eileen, Emma, Sharon, Sue and Holly!!
Photo: Aoife Giles
Lying in Bed (choir version) by Niamh de Barra
Music music music
Aug 10, 2010
Big Thanks
On the four corners of the internet, and in pretty much any conversation I've had in the last two days, I'm saying "Thanks, thanks and thanks again".
The gig yesterday went great;
thanks to Laura and Steph for playing;
Aoife and Aoife who made the visuals and devised the decoration;
everyone who helped set up and make the place look great (Ed, Conor, Aoife (de Búrca), Aoife (Giles), Kiilan, Ronan, Éadaoin;
the choir (Amanda, Amy, Regan, Eileen, Mel, Emma, Sue, Holly and Sharon);
Nob and Tom for filming the show;
everyone who came and listened and clapped, some who had a pretty long journey to get to the Joinery.
And now, no internet for a week. Huzzah!!
The gig yesterday went great;
thanks to Laura and Steph for playing;
Aoife and Aoife who made the visuals and devised the decoration;
everyone who helped set up and make the place look great (Ed, Conor, Aoife (de Búrca), Aoife (Giles), Kiilan, Ronan, Éadaoin;
the choir (Amanda, Amy, Regan, Eileen, Mel, Emma, Sue, Holly and Sharon);
Nob and Tom for filming the show;
everyone who came and listened and clapped, some who had a pretty long journey to get to the Joinery.
And now, no internet for a week. Huzzah!!
Laura Sheeran
Aug 7, 2010
Nearly there now
The mastered CDs arrived yesterday.
The covers have been printed and all we have to do is stick the designs on the cases. The lyric are upside down in the booklet, but it don't matter!
There are two more choir rehearsals before tomorrow's gig. It's starting to take shape; we practiced yesterday with parts 3 and 4 being sung by computer ladies, and it still went well. My own set eeehh is what it is, but it'll do.
I know you shouldn't wish you life away or crave a break that will never come, but I AM looking forward to being able to spend the next few months just writing music. In my room, by myself, writing music. Heaven!! With the odd gig to break it up (she hopes).
There's some amount of work in a organising a gig. I sort of knew before, but I didn't really. Now I do. My hat goes off to those who do it, tis they who give people a lovely/intense/mental/powerful/all of the above experience, give work to musicians and artists, and help in the dissemination of music as much as journalists and bloggers.
The internet is great, but there can be the danger of information overload too. I read so many glowing reviews of bands and artists, but when I seek out their music it can be a bit "hhmmm hohum". Listening off the internet while checking the emails or answering a "blunk" off gmail chat. It's rare enough for something to stand out.
You can have your 3D cinema and your new Nissan Micra, the live experience is what it's all about. And as for festivals....
The mastered CDs arrived yesterday.
The covers have been printed and all we have to do is stick the designs on the cases. The lyric are upside down in the booklet, but it don't matter!
There are two more choir rehearsals before tomorrow's gig. It's starting to take shape; we practiced yesterday with parts 3 and 4 being sung by computer ladies, and it still went well. My own set eeehh is what it is, but it'll do.
I know you shouldn't wish you life away or crave a break that will never come, but I AM looking forward to being able to spend the next few months just writing music. In my room, by myself, writing music. Heaven!! With the odd gig to break it up (she hopes).
There's some amount of work in a organising a gig. I sort of knew before, but I didn't really. Now I do. My hat goes off to those who do it, tis they who give people a lovely/intense/mental/powerful/all of the above experience, give work to musicians and artists, and help in the dissemination of music as much as journalists and bloggers.
The internet is great, but there can be the danger of information overload too. I read so many glowing reviews of bands and artists, but when I seek out their music it can be a bit "hhmmm hohum". Listening off the internet while checking the emails or answering a "blunk" off gmail chat. It's rare enough for something to stand out.
You can have your 3D cinema and your new Nissan Micra, the live experience is what it's all about. And as for festivals....
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